Proposal and Analysis of a New Spectrum Sensing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Driven Hospitals
Wireless technology hospitals, Cognitive radio driven hospitals, Spectrum sensing, Energy detection, Double threshold energy detection, memoryAbstract
Wireless technology is the key technology to eliminate the dense wire ropes from hospitals and far access to medical devices. In order to overcome the problem of bandwidth scarcity, cognitive radio driven hospitals are introduced and devices are divided in two categories. The first category is primary devices and the second one is secondary devices. Primary devices has very high priority and their communication is vital for the hospital and patients, so that no interference should be made with such devices. Secondary devices are the ones which has lower priority and they can wait until the primary devices do their communication and then, they begin to use the allocated spectrum. One of the key functions to assure that there will be no interference is a reliable spectrum sensing method. This method should be a simple one to be able to implement it in the secondary devices. Among all the sensing methods, energy detection (ED) based spectrum sensing is very popular. In order to improve the performance of ED, double threshold ED (DTED) method is introduced in literature. In this paper, a new algorithm is intruded for DTED considering previous sensing period results in detection procedure by using a memory stick. Memoryful DTED (MDTED) improves the performance of DTED considerably by only the cost of delay in secondary devices communication which has less value than the improvement of the detection method performance.Downloads
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