Automatic Detection of Epilepsy Using EEG Energy and Frequency Bands
epilepsy detection, EEG, electroencephalogram frequency bands, TreeBoost, random forests, support vector machines, signal energy, computer-aided diagnosticsAbstract
This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of information fusion at the feature vectors level for automatic detection of epilepsy. Experiments used features ranging from separate EEG frequency band waves to combinations of band waves, in addition to signal energy. We used three classifiers with the feature vectors: TreeBoost, Random Forests, and support vector machines. We carried out experiments using a real life EEG signals data set that is available from the University of Bonn Hospital in Germany. This paper shows the effect of combining together signal energy with different EEG frequency band waves in order to classify epilepsy, and that this combination has computed 97.5% accuracy over using feature vectors with fewer band wave transformations (84-95.5% accuracy), using the TreeBoost algorithm and 10 folds cross validation. This combination computed 99% specificity and 95.5% sensitivity. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates and analyses the effectiveness of using ensemble based tree learning.Downloads
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