Robust Stabilization of a Servomechanism With Respect To Time-Delay
Teleoperation System Control, Time-Delay Systems, Robust Control, Low-Order Controllers, Delay Independent StabilityAbstract
In this paper, a servomechanism under teleoperation is considered. Since the teleoperation itself can result in large amount of time-delays and this amount can change operation to operation, it can be difficult to control such mechanisms in order to accomplish the desired tasks. From the robust control viewpoint, a methodology that guarantees the stability in worst case is essential. Based on a simple methodology to find the delay independent stabilizing proportional (P) controller regions, just by forming the magnitude polynomial and employing the root locus technique, the stability of the robot is guaranteed, even in the worst case: the system becomes stable even if the connection has huge amount of time-delays. This fact is evidenced first by the simulations. To simulate the real system, as there is no information about the motor parameters, the motor is modeled by a global optimization methodology, named Genetic Algorithm in order to obtain a valid model for the system as accurate as possible. Then the resulting P controllers are applied to the real system, the results of which are found in accordance with the simulation results; the stability of the operation is not affected by the time-delay.Downloads
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