Active Contour Based Developmental Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis with Graf Method


  • Kerim Kürşat ÇEVIK
  • Hasan Erdinç KOÇER



Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Ultrasound, Active Contour Model, Image Processing


In this article, a study was carried on ultrasound (US) images for the automatic diagnosis of the disease of the developmental hip dysplasia (DDH). It was aimed with this study at minimizing the errors of the experts in DDH diagnosis. As a first step in the study; commonly known as the images and reduce noise in the US image, image filter are applied to improve the quality. In the second stage; by using Active Contour Model method it was determined acetabular roof and labrum areas. In the third stage; alpha and beta angles that is necessary to be applied Graf method and used DDH diagnosis are determined by using various morphological image algorithms on the image. In the last stage, the classification of Graf method was made and the performance of the system was measured by comparing expert data and the results. According to type conditions of Graf method, in the images of 40 out of 50 it was found the same due to software which was designed with expert data. In the remaining 10 images, expert result and program result are rather close especially for alpha angle. As a result, the success rate of the system for the 50 image is 80%. When considered the parameters such as the difficulty of physical examination of DDH diagnosis, decreasing quality of life in the people suffered from this disease, limb shortening, limping, functional disability, treatment costs, based on expert data and relativism of applying of Graf method on US images, the importance of DDH diagnosis system supported computer is seen.


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How to Cite

“Active Contour Based Developmental Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis with Graf Method”, J. Appl. Methods Electron. Comput., pp. 230–235, Dec. 2016, Accessed: Feb. 15, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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