Learning Based Experimental Approach For Condition Monitoring Using Laser Cameras In Railway Tracks
Railway Inspection, Anomaly Detect, Computer Vision, Laser CameraAbstract
Detecting the rail surface faults is one of the most important components of railway inspection process which should be performed periodically. Today, the railway inspection process is commonly performed using computer vision. Performing railway inspection based on image processing can lead to false-positive results. The fact that the oil and dust residues occurring on railway surfaces can be detected as an error by the image processing software can lead to loss of time and additional costs in the railway maintenance process. In this study, a hardware and software architecture are presented to perform railway surface inspection using 3D laser cameras. The use of 3D laser cameras in railway inspection process provides high accuracy rates in real time. The reading rate of laser cameras to read up to 25.000 profiles per second is another important advantage provided in real time railway inspection. Consequently, a computer vision-based approach in which 3D laser cameras that could allow for contactless and fast detection of the railway surface and lateral defects such as fracture, scouring and wear with high accuracy are used in the railway inspection process was proposed in the study.Downloads
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