Tracking feature points of the talking face


  • Noureddine CHERABIT
  • Amar DJERADI
  • Fatma Zohra CHELALI



talking head, automatic tracking points, coding of visual speech, delaunay triangulation, Lucas-Kanade


This paper presents a method of tracking points on a speaking face and the reconstruction of a face model from speaking descriptive vectors followed. After capturing a video of a talking face using a CCD camera, his facial expression changes in a video sequences. The essencial of this work is to track the feature points on the face using the Lucas-Kanade method, then use descriptive vectors up to be exploited for the reconstruction of a model of speaking face. The tracking method used is based on the theorem of Lucas-Kanade and facial reconstruction based on the method of delaunay triangulation.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

“Tracking feature points of the talking face”, J. Appl. Methods Electron. Comput., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 121–125, Dec. 2016, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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