Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Used In The Covid-19 Outbreak Process
Artificial Intelligence, Covid-19, Computer Vision, Expert Systems, RoboticsAbstract
In the course of the outbreak of coronovirus (Covid-19), which emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, and then spread all over the world, the biggest assistants in the fight against this virus were the technologies which used. Today, the areas where artificial intelligence is applied and the developments in the focus of artificial intelligence lead the technology. With Industry 4.0, there is no need for manpower to meet especially unqualified workforce in many business sectors. The idea of doing things by machines has begun to cause serious changes in the world. In order for the work to be done by the machines, importance has been given to the development of the decision making capabilities of the machines. The decision-making ability of the machines is based on previous periods. The lack of necessary computer hardware parts in testing the hypotheses made in the previous periods caused. It has not been applied in the past due to the high time and cost of hypotheses developed. Today, as a result of the rapid growth of technology, hardware elements with high processing capability can now be obtained at affordable prices. As a result of the acceleration of the developed hardware elements, many methods that took a long time in the past have reached the level that everyone can apply. We observe that what needs to be done for digital transformation in our country has been tested in many sectors. The most basic element for digital transformation is artificial intelligence technology. This is an indication that artificial intelligence technologies have started to be used in many areas of our lives. Accordingly, the use of artificial intelligence technologies in different areas, especially in medicine, played an important role in combating the epidemic during the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic process. In this study, the concept of artificial intelligence and the usage areas of artificial intelligence techniques are discussed in the literature section. Then, the applications developed using artificial intelligence technologies during the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic process were evaluated and the adequacy of the applications developed by analysing in the method section was discussed.Downloads
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