Evaluate of The Reproductive Efficiency of Cows With Fuzzy Logic
Cow, Expert system, Farm yield, Fuzzy logic, Reproductive efficiencyAbstract
Fuzzy Logic (Fuzzy Logic) is a branch of science based on thinking like human beings and solving them with mathematical functions. Fuzzy logic theory is a mathematical theory. Based on fuzzy set theory, it also uses intermediate values. The fuzzy logic that emerged in 1965 is used in many fields. In the production of pacemakers, in the production of artificial organs, in many electronic devices, company efficiency estimation, etc. situations are used. Fuzzy logic, which is frequently used in the solution of problems that occur in uncertain situations such as quality assessment in recent years, is one of the artificial intelligence methods. With the help of machines, people-specific data and experiences are studied using the fuzzy logic approach. In this study, by using Matlab Fuzzy Toolbox, it was aimed to design a system that gives information about the breeding performances of cows. The expert system was designed based on the optimal values under the ideal conditions specified in the literature. The architecture of the system presented in this paper is designed as three input parameters and one output. The designed system was tested with 100 sample values. Afterwards, expert results were evaluated and system decisions were compared. The success of the decision support system was 94%. As a result, the reproductive efficiency of cows can be determined with this designed system. With this determination, the handling or disposal of cows can be determined.Downloads
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