Different Duty Cycle Ratio and Brightness Of Visual Stimuli Change To Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Response
Brain Computer Interface, EEG, Human-Computer Interaction and Systems, Steady State Visual Evoked PotentialAbstract
Stimuli types are very crucial for the performance of electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain computer interface (BCI) systems. This study aims to investigate methods for obtaining higher information transfer rate (ITR) through duty cycle and brightness variation of visual stimuli which have high frequency for steady state visual evoked potential-based BCI. Although previous studies were concentrated on either duty cycle or brightness of stimuli separately, our study focused on the change of duty cycle ratio and brightness of stimuli at the same time. Duty cycle values of 40%, 50%, and 60% were used. During the experiment, 16 flickering stimuli were used on liquid crystal display. Participants gazed to the flicker which had frequency of 15 Hz. Canonical correlation analyses (CCA) was used for channel selection and frequency detection. According to the CCA, the maximum average accuracy of the experiment was 92.54% when the frequency of flicker was in beta band and its duty cycle was 40% with a brightness tuning wave. Under the same conditions stated above, average ITR was improved 16.1% according to the most commonly used flicker model which is square wave and has 50% duty cycle.Downloads
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