Smart Home System for Making Easier the Living of The Elderly
Smart home system, Remote sensing, Sensor, Communication, Mobile ApplicationAbstract
In this study, it has been researched how smart home technologies, which enable people to lead a more comfortable and safer life, can provide the life of elderly and needy people, and which smart home scenarios can be used to provide convenience to these people in the Smart Home project developed. With this project, we aim to make the elderly, and someone need for care living in our society live an easier and more comfortable life. Our most important goal is to develop a smart home system that will improve the quality of life of these people. While making this determination, both the demands of elderly and needy people in this direction and the smart home scenarios used in the previously developed smart home systems were based on. We think that this system we developed will be effective in increasing the welfare level of the society. At the same time, many people living far away from their families will be able to be constantly informed of them by using this system. This system can be developed in the future and turned into a state application. Many elderly and bedridden patients can be controlled remotely in any situation and can be interfered to them quickly. In addition, one of the biggest advantages of the project is that it can be controlled remotely through both the mobile application and the website we designed.Downloads
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