Prototyping of a Novel Thruster for Underwater ROVs
Finite element analysis, ROVs, Fluid analysis, ThrusterAbstract
Underwater vehicles are expected to have flexible maneuverability to perform various tasks such as security, reconnaissance, and search rescue. This maneuverability depends on the thruster to perform the specified tasks effectively. The designs of the propeller and the duct in the thrusters have a significant effect on the vehicle's mobility as it directly affects the thrust force. An ergonomic design is aimed by choosing the optimum level in terms of efficiency for the number of propeller blades. In addition, a duct design is needed to prevent water escape due to propeller movement. In this study, an original thruster has been designed by making theoretical calculations. The designed thruster has been analyzed using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method. The thrust, friction, torque, and efficiency values of the developed thruster have been calculated using momentum theory and supported by fluid mechanics analysis. In line with the analyses, the prototype of the designed thruster has been manufactured and the necessary performance tests were carried out on an autonomous underwater vehicle named Fersah-ROV, which was also originally designed and manufactured.Downloads
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