State and Parameter Estimation of a Nonlinear Servo System Handling Noises and Varying Payloads
Extended-Kalman filter, Noise, Sliding mode control, State and parameter estimation, Varying payloadAbstract
Payload estimators have many parameters, which are trained using the recorded position, velocity and known payload information. To use these payload estimators in the real-time applications, accurate position and velocity information of the system are required. In this paper, first recently proposed sliding-mode observers (SMOs) are designed and compared for velocity estimation of a nonlinear servo system. Second, a parameter estimation based on sliding-mode super-twisting approach is designed to estimate unknown and varying parameter for a class of nonlinear systems. The convergence property of observers is considered using Lyapunov stability method. In the applications, the constant and varying payloads of the servo system have been estimated using the designed method and compared with Extended-Kalman Filter (EKF). In the final section, artificial noises with different SNR are applied to the measurement signal. When the less amplitude of noise signal is applied, second order SMO estimated the states and the payload better than EKF. However, EKF provides much better estimation results than second order SMO for large amplitude of noise signals. For the sake of generalization, second order SMO is a fast and robust observer for small noise cases. In addition, the filtering property of EKF has still importance for large noise cases.Downloads
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