An ANFIS based inverse modeling for pneumatic artificial muscles
Soft Actuators, Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling, Inverse Modeling, ANFISAbstract
Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAM) are soft actuators with advantages of high force to weight ratio, flexible structure and low cost. On the other hand, their inherent nonlinear characteristics yield difficulties in modeling and control actions, which is an important factor restricting use of PAM. In literature, there are various modeling approaches such as virtual work , empirical and phenomenological models. However, they appear as either much complicated or are approximate ones as a variable stiffness spring for model with nonlinear input-output relationship. In this work, the behaviour of PAM is interpreted as an integrated response to pressure input that results in a simultaneous force and muscle length change. The integrated response behaviour of PAM is not combined effectively in terms of simultaneous resultant force and muscle contraction in many existing models. In order to implement that response, standard identification methods , for instance NNARX, are not suitable for modeling this behaviour. Moreover, an inverse modeling with grey box approach is proposed in order to utilize the model in control applications. Since Neuro-Fuzzy inference systems are universal estimators, the modeling is implemented by an ANFIS structure using the experimental data collected from PAM test bed. According to implementation results, the ANFIS based inverse model has yielded satisfactory performance deducing that it could be a simple and effective solution for PAM modeling and control issue.Downloads
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