Determination of Seed Volume in the Seed Tank of Pneumatic Precision Seeder by Using Microcontroller Based Control System
Arduino, ultrasonic distance sensor, pneumatic precision seederAbstract
The amount of seed available in the seed tank of Pneumatic Precision Seeder is controlled by the operator. This case increases the operator's task load during the sowing process. Additionally the absence of the operator's carefulness would cause unsowed lines. In this study, the seeds volume in the seed tank could be observed by operator with a display as the percentage of fullness of tank. The measurement is done by a HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor which is plugged to the cap of seed tank. The Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller is used in the control unit. HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor creates an audio signal at the 40kHz towards seeds. This audio signal reflects from seeds and back to sensor. Arduino Mega 2560 measures the time of audio signal travel and calculates the distance between sensor and seeds in the seed tank. The volume of the seeds in the tank is estimated by comparing this distance with the dimensions of seed tank. The amount of remaining seed in the seed tank is shown as a percentage on the LCD screen placed in front of the operator. The control circuit alerts the operator with audible warning buzzer when the seed volume in the tank is under 10%. In the system the communication between the pneumatic precision seeder and tractor where the display is placed is done by using Bluetooth module HC05.Downloads
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