A Manhattan distance based hybrid recommendation system
recommender system, hybrid approach, RFM Analysis, Collaborative Filtering, Content based filteringAbstract
Many online service providers use a recommendation system to assist their customers' decision-making by generating recommendations. Accordingly, this paper proposes a new recommendation system for tourism customers to make online reservations for hotels with the features they need, saving customers time and increasing the impact of personalized hotel recommendations. This new system combined collaborative and content-based filtering approaches and created a new hybrid recommendation system. Two datasets containing customer information and hotel features were analyzed by Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) method in order to identify customers according to their purchasing nature. The main idea of the recommendation system is to establish correlations between users and products and make the decision to choose the most suitable product or information for a particular user. As a result of the exponential growth of online data, this vast amount of information for use in the tourism industry can be leveraged by decision-makers to make purchasing decisions[20]. Filtering, prioritizing, and beneficially presenting relevant information reduces this overload. There are following three main ways that recommendation systems can generate a recommendation list for a user; content-based, collaborative-based, and hybrid approaches[1]. This paper describes each category and its techniques in detail. RFM Analysis is used to identify customer segments by measuring customers' purchasing habits. It is the process of labeling customers by determining the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary values of their purchases and ranking them on a scoring model. Scoring is based on how recently they bought (Recency), how often they bought (Frequency), and purchase size (Monetary). Experimental results show that the accuracy of behavior analysis using Manhattan distance-based hybrid filtering is greatly improved compared to collaborative and content-based algorithms.Downloads
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