Extractive Text Summarization System for News Texts





Automatic text summarization, Data processing, Evaluation, Feature extraction, Sentence scoring


In today's conditions, it is difficult to obtain information quickly and efficiently due to the size of the data. There are various text documents on the internet and a good extraction algorithm is essential to have the most relevant information from them. Long texts can be boring sometimes. So, readers are eager to get the main idea of the text or any useful information. For this reason, the importance of automatic summarization systems is understood. Text summarization systems can be considered as abstractive summarization or extractive summarization. While abstractive systems produce a summary with new sentences, extractive systems make a selection of sentences from the text used and combine them and present them as a summary. Creating a successful summarization algorithm increases in direct proportion to the success of applying text mining techniques. Text summary systems provide a summary of the text to the user by scoring words and sentences in the main text using various methods and combining high ranked sentences as a result of the process. In this context, many scoring methods have been used. In our study, news data sets are used. The algorithm used is based on extraction and has been evaluated using a task-independent method. After evaluation, the two highest scores taken are ROUGE-1 with 0.68 score and ROUGE-S with 0.54 score. Through all evaluation steps, Precision, Recall and F-Measure values are also specified to see the steps clearly.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

“Extractive Text Summarization System for News Texts”, J. Appl. Methods Electron. Comput., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 179–184, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.18100/ijamec.800905.

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